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Legal Marketing Association National Conference Presentation:
Effective Creativity in the Business World
(The link below leads to an abbreviated animation of a PPT I used while speaking on
the topic of how to successfully bring creative ideas into reality in a corporate environment.
In addition to deeply researching the subject, I also pulled extensively from my
own experiences of creating, presenting, rolling out, implementing, and growing
HRO's identity campaign. 
HRO Identity Campaign
Origins and Early Development of HRO Identity Campaign 
- Experience listens. Be heard. -
Expanded & Evolving Advertising Campaigns
Based on the Firm's Identity Campaign
Single Ads, Sponsorships, Invitations & Other Collateral
HRO Collateral
Videos & Invites
Event Concepting & Support, Presentations, Animations, Video

HRO Boulder Summer Party - Going Green

HRO Boulder Summer Party - Bigger. Better. Badder. And Now In 3D!


In 2010, we played off of the success of Avatar and the 3-D craze that followed, with our HRO Boulder Summer Party Blockbuster. We used a green screen and filmed our attorneys interacting with famous movie scenes. We set up a pretend movie theater and had them play it out in that environment too. I directed them to act in certain ways, and then we incorporated them in to the appropriate scenes. We sent out a save the date teaser video via email, and followed that with the full-length invite.


We played the video at the party, which is why there is no audio after the invitation section. We also had behind the scenes photos of the shoots displayed and purchased life-size cutouts of movie characters to display at the event.

HRO Partner Retreat - Frame Our Future


A detailed explanation of the concepting, creation and implementation of this partner retreat event may be found by clicking the link above.


.The video to the left is an abbreviated composite of the entire two-day event, including opening sequences, PPT presentations, live-audience interactive discussions, intermissions, and closing sequences. Our team of three completed the creative for the entire retreat in nine days (and nights). Economically, 2009 was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. To start the presentation, we took a humorous approach with an animation that beat up the year much as it had beaten up the business world. I used a theme from one of our ad campaigns for the year "Frame Your Future" as a concept to build around, changing it slightly to "Frame Our Future" to speak to our internal audience for the retreat. 

Frame Our Future

HRO Partner Retreat - Crush Old Thinking


Using Pareto's Principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes) as a starting point, the theme of this partner retreat was to make change by crushing old ways of thinking - to stop focusing on the things that matter least and to focus intently on the 20% of actions that matter most.


The video to the right is a composite of the creative presentations for the retreat programming. The opening sequence is an animated Pareto's Principle and a literal crushing of old thinking. This was followed by an animation illustrating the power of working together. The intermission breaks were introduced by a series of animated demotivational posters (representative of old thinking) being crushed by the retreat's logo. The closing sequence, with a journey into space,  conveyed that there was no limits on where the firm could go if the attorneys worked together. 

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